Conference Call for Papers – Educational commons and active social inclusion

Conference Call for Papers – Educational commons and active social inclusion

The EU-funded research project SMOOTH (Horizon2020) is organising an international conference to bring together researchers, practitioners, teachers, civil society organisations, activists, journalists, and policy-makers to discuss the challenges and opportunities of a commons-oriented education to reverse inequalities, to present good practices resulting from ongoing projects, and to inform political decision-making processes.

The conference critically draws out the implications of the commons for refiguring education, and for social change in general, on a footing of equality, sharing, participation, togetherness, caring, and freedom. It will address active social inclusion according to the ‘educational commons’, through a variety of methodologies such as pedagogical documentation, pedagogy of (active) listening, ethnography, discourse analysis, etc. ‘Educational commons’ refer to learning communities where decisions about the educational process are made collectively with equal participation in assemblies jointly by the teachers, learners and their guardians (when they are minors). The very practice of education and learning becomes a ‘common good or resource’ which is collectively shaped and managed by the members of the educational community in terms of equality, freedom, and participation. Moreover, proposals relating to the improvement and enrichment of educational policy are a key area of the conference. Furthermore, the discussion of the development of recognition tools and various practices or “languages” of evaluation of the learning outcomes of the commons are of equal importance.

For more details click here:
Also check the Agenda Conference & InfoPack

May 26-28, 2023
Volos, Greece

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