Alekos Pantazis

Alekos Pantazis

Assistant Professor

I hold a PhD in Technology Governance from Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance of Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) titled «Learning and the Concept of Commons: How Peer-to-Peer can Enhance Learning and Education in the Digital Era», a B.Sc. (5-year-long) in Environmental Engineering and an M.Sc. in Oceanography. I have teaching experience from the Tallinn University of Technology and from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (BAs and MAs). As freelancer, I was developing and teaching the annual course of environmental education in kindergardens for four years. Moreover, I am part of the interdisciplinary research collective P2P Lab focused on the commons. My work focuses on the convergence of peer education, commons, and convivial technologies.